Saturday, September 17, 2011

The Ultimate Keychain

Men and women, young and old, all have keys of some sort. We have numerous keys, gadgets, and other trinkets on our keychain that just ball up in an ugly mess that jingles with each step. Many people have entirely too many things on their keychains and this can actually cause damage to the ignition switch in a car. So is there a solution? Of course there is!

Keyport is a small device that holds all of your keys, usb drives, has a flashlight, and can be purchased in a multitude of colors for those of you who prefer something other than black. The thing about the keyport is that you need to have your keys cut, but that is barely anything and will save you a lot of jingling and annoyance that your old keychain used to cause.

This is a perfect gift for anyone who needs to consolidate their keys. It is small, lightweight (only weights about 2 ounces), a reasonable price, and can hold up to six keys in each keyport.

If you’d like to learn more check it out at

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