Sunday, June 20, 2010

Free web development information manager

Whether you're a pro, a hobbyist, or somewhere in between, if you manage the care and feeding of a couple of websites and a few blogs, then you know that life can get complicated. You've got servers to keep track of, domain names to manage, files to up- and download and all that. Each of these has a user name and a password to have to keep straight. After a while it becomes a question of who is running whom.

Serverskine is an app that can give you a hand in keeping track of these little—but important—pieces of information. It's got a simple interface that lets you easily enter all that information, and it's got a built-in search facility that lets you find things when you need to retrieve them. While you can save your information in a proprietary binary format, there are also options to save in SQLite and even XML, so that if for some reason the app goes south, you can still get your information back.

A free Mac application, Serverskine runs under OS X 10.4 (Tiger) or later. It's a Universal Binary, so it's equally at home on both PowerPC and Intel machines.

Download Serverskine

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